Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Osteoarthritis Sufferers In The Uk Health And Social Care Essay

A multi-centre, experimental randomised clinical test is the survey design chosen as it is the recommended attack to obtain a valid comparing of viing intercession schemes ( Green, 1997 ) . The independent variable is the instructional method which will be manipulated to see whether it has any affect on the dependent variables, which are attachment and exercising public presentation. The group having the Digital Versatile Disc ( DVD ) will stand for the survey group. The group having illustrations will move as the control group as illustrations are supported by literature and presently used in standard physical therapy pattern. It is necessary to include a control group to forestall overestimate of intervention consequence. A true control group ( having no instructional assistance and doing the test a randomised controlled test ) has non been used as it would be unethical to keep back intervention clearly shown to be effectual ( Schneiders et al. , 1998 ) .RecruitmentThe test aims to be as representative of the UK population as possible to increase population/external cogency. The test will include 84 females and 56 males to stand for the 3:2 female/male ratio of degenerative arthritis sick persons in the United Kingdom ( ARC ) . Under-representation of cultural groups would impact the external cogency of comparative consequence estimations. The National Statistics Office provinces that the 2001 Census found that 8.3 % of the UK population belonged to other cultural groups and this figure appears to hold risen to 10.1 % harmonizing to the Labour Force study, 2006. Thirty per centum of participants will be recruited from other cultural groups so that 1 ) the strata is big plenty and 2 ) cultural minorities are reasonably represented. This figure will nevertheless be checked with the statistician prior to test beginning. Research suggests that people with a lower educational attainment are less likely to adhere to exert, it is hence of import to see where participants will be recruited from. A survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( 2005 ) showed a close correlativity between educational underachievement and countries of societal want in London. Cooper ( 2003 ) found those populating in interior London by and large achieved lower classs than those in Outer London ( appendix1 ) .Therefore to increase external cogency, 2 Inner London and 2 Outer London locations have been chosen.Inclusion StandardsInclusion/exclusion standards are used in this survey to place appropriate participants and guarantee their safety. Strict standards will guarantee 1 ) research workers can non act upon choice to favor or except certain predictive factors, therefore biasing the consequences 2 ) participants are representative of populations to whom the test ‘s findings will use, therefore k eeping external cogency. It is besides of import to see that if the standards are excessively restrictive it could restrict the size of test and the findings will miss generalization. Participants will be eligible if they are aged 50+ as 1 in 5 grownups have knee degenerative arthritis by this age and it is uncommon in people younger. By the age of 80, it increases to 1 in 2 grownups ( ARC ) . The test will hold no upper age bound so that the findings are relevant to all age groups susceptible to knee degenerative arthritis. Inclusion of older participants is peculiarly pertinent to this survey as Henry et Al ( 2000 ) found grownups aged 65+ had greater troubles retrieving exercisings which may impact attachment and exercising public presentation. Participants must hold equal hearing, vision and apprehension of written and spoken English to let equal comprehension of the exercising instructions. In pattern this may non be necessary ; nevertheless, for the interest of this test it must be controlled to forestall confusing consequences. To forestall allotment prejudice, participants will be required to hold entree to a DVD participant, irrespective of their allotment. The Office of National Statistics ( 2008 ) found that 86 % of the population owns a DVD participant. This will merely except a little figure of the population so it is considered acceptable. Radiographic grounds of degenerative arthritis, grade 2-3 on the Kellgren and Lawrence graduated table is an inclusion standard as Deyle ( 2000 ) found increased disease badness is associated with lower attachment. Guaranting all participants are mild-moderate makes the consequences comparable. Additionally, it would be unethical to supply unneeded intervention. The Nice guidelines ( 2008 ) recommend beef uping exercisings for degenerative arthritis patients ; therefore participants would be prescribed beef uping exercisings irrespective of the test. Radiographic grounds ensures patients are non given an inappropriate intervention by clinicians who may desire to increase enlisting rate.Exclusion StandardsParticipants with inflammatory arthritis will be excluded as beef uping exercisings can worsen redness in the articulatio genus articulation during a flare-up ( Luqmani et al.,2006 ) . Similarly, Sharma et Al ( 2003 ) found that in certain joint environments, such as malalignment or laxness, higher quadriceps strength was associated with a greater hazard of disease patterned advance hence such participants will besides be excluded. Participants who have antecedently been prescribed lower-limb exercisings or partaken in regular exercising categories will be excluded as they may demo increased exercising public presentation and attachment. Participants with cognitive damages may non be able to give informed consent, therefore inclusion would be unethical. They may besides hold impaired ability to retain information which could confuse the consequences. Finally, participants will be excluded if they have cardiac jobs or any serious pathology as they may hold an increased hazard of an inauspicious reaction or necessitate onward specializer referral which may detain beginning of physical therapy.ProcedureRandom allotment and allotment privacyThis test will utilize consecutive numbered, otherwise indistinguishable, opaque, certain envelopes ( SNOSE ) to randomize par ticipants and guarantee allotment privacy. Participants will be randomised as it is considered the most dependable method of making homogenous intervention groups in footings of known or unknown predictive factors ( Altman 1999 ) . It controls for unsuspected effects and increases the likeliness that any ascertained differences are caused by the experimental status, therefore increasing the internal cogency of the test. An extra protection against prejudice during randomisation is concealment of allotment. This will forestall the research worker from act uponing which intercession group each participant is assigned to, hence forestalling a choice prejudice. A choice prejudice could ensue in an overestimate of the effects of the intercession by about 40 % ( Schulz, 2002a ) . SNOSE is an economical and straightforward agencies of guaranting allotment privacy. The extra safeguards ( e.g. aluminum foil, carbon paper ) increase the trouble of uncloaking the allotment strategy. By puting the group assignment card inside a folded sheet of aluminum foil ensures the envelope is impermeable to light and run alonging the interior of the envelope with C paper allows the envelope to reassign information onto the assignment card, making an audit trail. Stratified randomization is still possible utilizing randomization envelopes by holding a set of envelopes for each combination of stratification factors.Stratific ationBaseline features such as age, gender, ethnicity and instruction will be recorded at the beginning of the test. As this is a comparatively little test, there is a greater hazard of unequal distribution of patient features between groups ( Kernan 1999 ) . Age, ethnicity and educational attainment are known to be strongly related to attachment and public presentation ( predictive ) therefore stratification is needed ( Schluz, 2002b ) . A big survey by Sluijs et Al. ( 1993 ) found attachment to place exercisings increases with age and is reciprocally relative to educational degree. Rastall et Al. ( 1999 ) and Henry et Al ( 2000 ) found grownups aged 65+ had greater trouble memory exercisings which may impact public presentation. Evidence besides suggests cultural minorities are less likely to adhere to exert ( e.g. Muse, 2005 ) . To let for 3 strata the sample size had been increased. However, as the test is to include merely 30 % of participants from other cultural groups this ma y impact stratification. Therefore, this figure will be checked with the statistician prior to the beginning of test and if found to be excessively low to adequately stratify cultural minorities, either sample size or the figure of cultural minorities included will increase further. Stratified randomisation besides helps forestall type I error ( Feinstein and Landis, 1976 ) and better power ( Lachin and Bautista, 1995 ) and is most good to tests ( such as this ) with less than 200 participants ( Schluz, 2002b ) . As the writer is unsure as to what the existent figure of participants in each stratum will be before the test commences, permuted blocks within each strata will guarantee balance between the chief intervention weaponries. Schluz ( 2002b ) suggests that it may be possible to expect the randomisation sequence in some tests that are block-randomized utilizing unvarying block sizes, hence this test will utilize two different block sizes ( 2 and 4 ) .BlindingIdeally, both participant and research worker should be blinded to avoid the comparing of interventions from being distorted ( Schluz, 2002c ) and to forestall ascertainment prejudice. This test is a single-blind survey as active capable engagement is required. The physical therapist ( who besides acts as the result assessor ) will be blinded as cognition of group assignment could make a prejudice when measuring result steps due to preconceived impressions of â€Å" expected † results. Furthermore, as the Exercise Assessment Scale has a grade of subjectiveness, blinding the result assessor will beef up their objectiveness.Strengthening exercisingsStrengthening exercisings were chosen as they have been shown to better hurting and map in degenerative arthritis patients and are portion of the NICE ( 2008 ) guidelines. Previous surveies suggest a HEP can keep betterments ( Huang et al, 2003 ; Huang et Al, 2005 ) , nevertheless long term attachment was low. This suggests a demand to set up ways to better attachment to interventions clearly shown to be effectual. The exercising strength, frequence and repeats will be tailored to the person and based on findings of recent grounds ( e.g. Richards,2004 ; Jan et al. , 2008 ) . Strengthening exercisings are besides more likely to nece ssitate specific direction than, for illustration, aerophilic exercisings and older persons in peculiar may happen exercising technique hard to retrieve.DVD directionAssorted surveies ( e.g. Grove, 1999 ) find participants utilizing exercising pictures have increased motive to exercising and are less likely to develop bad habits/techniques. It is hence hypothesised DVD ‘s will increase attachment and exercising public presentation. Additionally, if public presentation improves physiotherapist clip rectifying exercising should diminish.Result MEASURESThe Exercise Assessment Scale ( Smith et al.,2005, adapted from Rastall et al.,1999 ) was chosen as it enables elaborate appraisal of public presentation and has the highest reported dependability out of the graduated tables found. Validity of graduated table has non been officially reported, nevertheless, inter-rater dependability has been assessed ( Smith et al.,2005 ) utilizing the intra-class correlativity coefficient ( ICC ) . The ICC was 0.99 indicating first-class inter-rater dependability ( Shrout and Fleiss, 1979 ) . Prior to the test, preparation will be given to guarantee truth and consistence of measuring is increased therefore increasing statistical power. As the measuring has a grade of subjectiveness, appraisals will be recorded so that public presentation can be analyzed post-intervention to guarantee participant scaling is tantamount. Participants will utilize a self-report log to mensurate attachment to their HEP. It is a normally used step which has been found to be dependable when compared to spouse studies ( Follick et al. , 1984 ) and nonsubjective pedometer values ( Speck,2006 ) back uping the cogency of the step. The recognized benefits include the ability to roll up informations from a big figure of people at low cost and that it does non change the behavior of the person ( increasing ecological cogency ) . However, as the step is subjective, Vitolins et Al ( 2000 ) recommends more than one method should be used to measure attachment. A widely used nonsubjective step of per centum attending to physiotherapy Sessionss will besides be used. Direction clip will be assessed as rectification of exercisings utilizations valuable physiotherapy clip that could be spent on accessory interventions. It is hence of import to mensurate the effectivity of any intercession in cut downing clip allocated to exert rectification.AnalysisMeanss and standard divergences will be calculated for all variables. For parametric informations ( e.g. figure of repeats, exercising frequence ) the agency of the two groups will be compared utilizing the independent-sample t-test as the survey is experimental in design, comparing 2 groups of topics ( Hicks, 2004 ) . The Exercise Assessment Scale provides ordinal informations ( Smith et Al, 2005 ) , hence a Mann Whitney U trial ( a non-parametric trial ) will be used. P-values are used to find whether a void hypothesis formulated before the survey commenced is to be accepted or rejected. To cut down the hazard of type II mistake, the degree of significance will be set at P & lt ; 0.05. In explorative s urveies such as this, p-values enable the acknowledgment of any statistically notable findings. Assurance intervals will besides be used as they provide a scope of values for the variable of involvement ( the step of intervention consequence ) . This scope has a specified chance of including the true value of the variable, every bit good supplying information about the way and strength of the demonstrated consequence. Decisions can so be made about the clinical relevancy and the statistical plausibleness of the survey ‘s findings. Both statistical steps will be reported because they provide complementary types of information ( Prel,2009 ) . Purpose to handle analysis will be used as it retains balance in predictive factors originating from the original random intervention allotment and gives an indifferent estimation of intervention consequence. Additionally it gives a more valid representation of intervention efficaciousness as it relates to clinical pattern ( Pocock, 1983 ) .Time REQUIREDThe test is 18-months to let for a sufficient accrual period and for a long-run intercession. The writer contacted a similar sized Outpatient section, which reported about 30-40 patients present with degenerative arthritis over a 6-month period. In add-on participants will be recruited from physician ‘s surgeries and orthopedic waiting lists. It is estimated that 12-14 participants at each infirmary will come in the test during each enlisting stage. The minimal figure required is 12 so that 140 participants are recruited by the terminal of recruitment stage-3. If merely 2 participants at each infirmary are recruited each hebdoma d, it will necessitate a 6-week accrual period for each stage of the test. The clip to enroll the mark population is frequently under-estimated ( Carter,2005 ) therefore the accrual period has been increased to 8-weeks to guarantee equal Numberss are reached. The intercession period will be for 1-year as a recent reappraisal ( Jordan,2010 ) identified a demand for tests with long-run follow ups which explicitly address attachment.Forces REQUIREDFour physical therapists, one from each infirmary will be required to work 153 hours over the 18-month test. Participants will be seen 9 times by their physical therapist. The initial session will be 45minutes and the staying Sessionss will be 30minutes ( as criterion in physical therapy pattern ) . The 3 enlisting and intercession stages are staggered, hence, if the physical therapist sees 3 participants per hebdomad ( the required 12 per month ) and assignments are made for the same clip each month, the physical therapist will be required to work 0-4.5 hours per hebdomad ( see physical therapist timetable, appendix2 ) . The physical therapists will be employed on an hourly footing. The research helper will be employed on a parttime footing to randomize participants and publish the instructional A IDSs.ETHICAL ISSUESThis survey addresses ethical considerations highlighted the by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists ( 2001 ) publication on research moralss ( Appendix3 ) . The survey aims to be of â€Å" value † and to better the wellness of patients with degenerative arthritis of the articulatio genus. It is of import that the test is published so that the participants have non been unnecessarily inconvenienced and subjected to possible hazards. Therefore this test will merely take topographic point after blessing and understanding to print by a well-thought-of diary.

The Alhambra

After a long time of going back in time to experience first hand the stories behind the world's greatest paintings, I decided to take a break in studying visual art and widen my perspectives a bit. I stayed up all night on which adventure to take next, and the all-night contemplation led me to a decision to take another adventure—to take on Architectural artworks. First stop, the world-famous Alhambra in Granada, Spain. I went back 12 centuries in time, all the way to the ninth century—the reign of the Islamic invasion of Spain.The Zirites, who are the first kings of Granada, had the Alhambra constructed for military reasons. They built their castles on the hill across the Alhambra, making the structure a fortress for forthcoming attacks from anticipated conquerors. Tension was in the air at all times during this point, but it didn't stop me from appreciating the beauty of the structure that is Alhambra. Though still not fully developed, its obvious Arabesque style†”a type of Islamic art with repetitive complex, geometric patterns of interlacing plant, animal, and abstract forms—makes it a sight to behold.I have already read in art and history books that the Alhambra as a fortress would go on until the 13th century, so I decided to skip the boring part and take myself to 1238. It was at this point when the Alhambra was used as a residence of the kings. During this time, it was the Nasrites who ruled the Islamic kingdom in Spain. The Alhambra was later on developed to include a â€Å"alcazaba† (fortress), an â€Å"alcazar† (palace) and a small â€Å"medina† (city), still with Islamic art ruling the entirety of the structures.The old fortress was later on restored; the artworks developed to reach the full potential of its beauty. This, in turn, signified the Golden Age of Islam in Spain. Perhaps it was the overwhelming awe over the legendary architecture of the Alhambra and the chills it gave me just by looking at s ome parts of its structural design which transported me to yet another century. Next thing I know, it was 1492, and Granada was no longer occupied by the Islams.Catholicism was brought back to Spain, and the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabel conquered the city, making the Alhambra a Christian court. Military garrisons and churches were built inside the compound, incorporating Catholicism into the Islamic architecture. For centuries the Alhambra turned into a Catholic city built on Islamic roots, but as years passed, the legendary architectural wonder was left neglected. I was then transported to the 19th century, and it shocked me to find the Alhambra unoccupied, except by thieves, beggars, and homeless people.It struck me so hard that in no time I got back to present time. Now, as I am writing this, the Alhambra is already a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a strong contender for the New Seven Wonders of the World. The Alhambra being recognized as one of the most important stru ctures and architectural artworks in the entire world makes me so proud that I was part of history when it all happened; though I was nothing but a spectator, I got to experience the rich culture in which the Alhambra was rooted, and the colorful history it had withstood.References Crayon, G. (1832). The Alhambra. London: Samuel Bentley. Lipscomb, K. (2005). Hunter Travel Guides: Spain. New Jersey: Hunter Publishing, Inc. Irwin, Robert. (2004). The Alhambra. London: Butler & Tanner Ltd. Feminism. (n. d. ). In Encyclop? dia Britannica online. Retrieved from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/724633/feminism Granada, The Alhambra. (n. d. ). In Andalucia Website. Retrieved from http://www. andalucia. com/cities/granada/alhamhistory. htm Arabesque: Art Movement. (n. d. ). In Art Education. Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

April Raintree : Storyline Plot Essay

Through out this novel, a lot of tragic and powerful events transpire. They make the reader think quite a bit on what they have just read and after this, you tend to react. These events and occurrences are the main idea behind the story and they continue to constantly grab your attention and you keep you focused on what is going on in the novel. However, too many big impact and negative events take away from the story and it’s traditional role of focusing on one major element through out the book. The reader is ceased of time to actually think about what has just happened, before something else suddenly does. Beatrice Culleton has a liking for an eventful novel and it is definitely noticeable. In the first chapter of this book, we learn that April and her younger sister, Cheryl are taken away their parents, due to a severe alcohol problem. From here in, the negative events start to occur. After April and Cheryl are removed from their family home, they tend to grow independent and look out for each other. Along these lines, they endure many challenges and new experiences. They end up going to endless foster homes during their child hood years. The two of them travel from home to home and are involved in different situations at each. One of the worst environments from both of the girls was at the DeRosier residence. After April begins to form into a mature woman and moves on with her life, she ends up moving to the city of Winnipeg living in the core of downtown. At this point, she begins to see the occasional man every now and then, due to her acquaintances at her law firm office. Just when you thought everything was going good for April, things take a turn for the un-expected. The man who April believed was a wholesome, respectful business associate was nothing more than a cheating coward going behind his wife’s back to see April. Although this is a serious problem, I couldn’t help it laugh when this was mentioned in the novel. The reason being, is how many things can go wrong for April at this point? She’s had a rocky childhood, troubles at work with co-workers, and now this? The second most striking and shocking event that Culleton brought upon the reader was in Chapter 12, when April was raped while in the car. It was not  only bad enough that Cheryl was in the hospital prior to this, due to severe injuries after being beaten, but also now it was April who was in the worse situation. The reader is almost shocked, but at the same time, wondering what is going to happen next. If it was Beatrice Culleton’s intention to place these tragic events in place after each other repeatedly to the keep the reader involved, she did an excellent job. April and Cheryl experienced a string of bad luck and misfortune their whole life, and to read all of this is sometimes unbelievable. That goes to show that the native culture can be treated poorly, and it isn’t right. The final and biggest occurrence in April Raintree is in Chapter 16. Cheryl decided she couldn’t go on with life anymore and committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge. It’s ironic how this happened, seeing as how their mother took her own life by enduring in the same tragic practice. April then moves into a state of mourning with Roger Madison by her side for comfort. Before the reader can make sense of what has just happened, we are told of another detail of Cheryl’s past, her child. Not to mention, finding out about their long lost parents from Cheryl’s many journal entries left underneath her bed in a shoebox after her death. I can give Culleton credit for writing an exciting novel and taking the reader to the final end of the book still trying to get over what they have just read. In conclusion, this story line would have made sense starring more action filled characters and not young native women. Beatrice Culleton throws in negative occurrences way too often, and the story looses its happiness that we once had read while April and Cheryl were only children. The memories of each of the girls writing back and fourth to each other while in the foster homes sounds bliss at this point. It seems so un-real and out of the ordinary that both of the sisters experience all of this during one lifetime. On the positive side however, the author wrote a memorable novel that kept you in tune through out the story. You were provoked to keep on reading more and more, and for some, that rarely is the case while doing a novel study such as this one. One thing that was impressive is how Culleton ended the book off of on a positive note for once. April ends up being the foster mother to her sister’s child, Henry Liberty. With Roger by her side as always, April finally has some happiness in her life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gender Diversity In Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender Diversity In Education - Essay Example Instead, diversity can represent variations in interests, perspectives, personalities, abilities and emotions. Gender has a large influence on an individual’s cognitive and emotional development and in their perception. Therefore, gender impacts students learning abilities and in extension a teachers approach to teaching. This paper discusses subject preference as the main challenge teachers have to face in view of variations caused by gender (Cushner et al, 2006). Disparities in education caused by gender are evident in the types of subjects male and female students prefer. On average, most female students prefer arts and languages while most male students are in tune with math and sciences. Is this disparity the fault of the bio-social disposition of the students or the failure of the teachers and indeed the education system? To answer this question one needs to explore the similarities and differences between male and female students in view of education (assuming a mixed g ender classroom). For starters, male and female students are provided equal opportunity for education as stipulated by the constitution. They are also protected against gender bias and even sexual discrimination. Also, in a standard setting, male students are loved by their male and female parents equally (but expressed differently) and the same is true for female students (Cushner et al, 2006). ... On the other hand, psychologists argue that girls may receive instructions with little or no resistance but put emotion in all activities unlike boys who are more factual even at a tender age. Apart from differences in mental development, these factors may contribute to why female students prefer arts to sciences and vice versa for boys (Cushner et al, 2006). The commitment of a teacher to their students in view of human diversity is very crucial because if the teacher overlooks gender differences, both male and female students will suffer. Also, a teacher should control how their gender influences their interactions with the students in a classroom setting. Given the above, a wise teacher will not let nature take its course. The professional thing to do is to understand the differences these students present. For instance, in an essay that requires the personal thoughts of the student, the teacher should be a flexible evaluator allowing the perception of an individual student to gui de them. A male student may focus on aggressive themes such as war while a female student will pick soothing themes such as family. Also, a teacher may opt to give information laden instructions for the sake of a female students understanding and cued information for the sake of male student. This significantly bridges the gap in subject preference among the students. The teacher should also note that male students despite their culture prefer a practical approach to learning compared to female students. Having a half practical half theoretical approach to learning is beneficial to all students (Cushner et al, 2006). Another notable difference is the language abilities of male and female students. Despite the lack of concrete scientific evidence, scholars concur that female

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Stable Angina Pectoris Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stable Angina Pectoris - Essay Example Although there are efforts to specify use of angina pectoris for chest area discomfort caused by myocardial ischaemia linked with coronary artery disease, there are also known causes like aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Task Force of European Society of Cardiology 395; Fox et al. 3-9). Angina pectoris is considered stable if it has been occurring for over a number of weeks without any major worsening. Stable angina pectoris normally occur in situations related to increased myocardial oxygen usage. Factors such as ambient temperature and emotional stress can, however, influence symptoms of stable angina pectoris from time to time (Crea & Gaspardone 3767; Christensen 10-11). On the other hand, unstable angina pectoris is characterized by a suddenly deteriorating pre-existing angina pectoris or abrupt appearance of angina during rest or light work. This is generally caused by atherosclerotic plaque rupture which leads to intracoronary thrombus formation. Some patients experience heightened coronary artery tone or spasm (Fox et al 4). The pathological condition giving rise to this imbalance is most often the atheromatous narrowing of the coronary arteries. To attain this medical condition, also referred to as stenosis, there must be at least 50 to 70 percent narrowing of the coronary artery. In such decrease in the inner diameter, the coronary blood flow is rendered inadequate to reach the metabolic demands of the heart during strenuous activities or exercise. The impact of stenosis is not limited to the degree of narrowing of the luminal diameter but also on the length and quantity of stenoses present in the coronary artery (Crea & Gaspardone 3767; Christensen 10-11). Vasoconstriction at the area of the atheromatous narrowing normally results to segmental abnormal function and dilatation of the left ventricle which cause a sudden drop in coronary blood flow. Coronary vasoconstriction, on the other hand, occurs because of curtailed diastolic filling period due to tachycardia and different hormonal actions. Patients with coronary artery disease have the potential risk of acquiring fissuring or rupturing plaque which usually results in platelet aggregation, abnormality of coronary blood flow or thrombotic coronary occlusion. Increased vasomotor tone or spasm arises from the release of substances from activated platelets. This condition crosses the threshold in which a diagnosis of unstable angina pectoris or evolving myocardial infarction is given (Fox et al 5). It is estimated that 30,000 to 40,000 per 1 million persons suffering from angina pectoris in countries with high number of patients with coronary heart disease. The incidence of angina pectoris is notably twice as high as in middle-aged men as in middle-aged women. This medical condition severely limits the lifestyle of patients such that those of working age are forced to apply for early retirement (Christensen 10; Fox et al. 3-9; Crea & Gaspardone 3767). Symptoms Stable angina pectoris symptoms are grouped into four major features. These are in terms of location, association with exercise, characteristics, and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing innovation and technology case study Essay

Managing innovation and technology case study - Essay Example The phone was called IBM Simon and it is regarded as the first Smartphone (Sager, 2012). The concept of Smartphones however dates back to 1970s. IBM Simon was the first commercial cell phone to have a touch screen interface. Since the launch of IBM Simon, the market for Smartphones has grown tremendously. After the launch of I Phone in 2007, the market for Smartphones changed significantly. Companies started to come up with innovative designs and features for customers. I Phone actually showed cell phone manufactures the potential market of Smartphones. Since then the market has grown at a greater pace and many big companies have entered the market of Smartphones like Google and HTC (Market Research, 2012). Smartphones are different from regular cell phones because of their superior features and enhanced connectivity. They are based on mobile operating systems that provide users with greater speed, innovative features, and enhanced internet connectivity. Smartphones usually have touch screen interface which adds to the features and design of the phone. All these unique characteristics of Smartphones make them popular among the general public. There are many advantages of Smartphones like portability, better internet connectivity, increased memory space, and user friendly operating systems. Smartphones combine, to some degree, features of a regular phone and a computer. They allow users to send and receive emails, and also to browse the internet (Jones, 2012). These phones also have mobile based operating system that allows better integration with applications of different manufacturers. The main advantage of a Smartphone is its portability as one can carry it almost anywhere and can enjoy its features even on the move. Smartphones also have some disadvantages. Smartphones have made us increasingly dependent on technology. There seems to now work life balance in our lives as we are always ‘connected’ to the world. Smartphones also

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Englishtenment Period and the Value of Women's Rights Article

The Englishtenment Period and the Value of Women's Rights - Article Example The fact that she is from China is telling and relevant. Chinese culture has not been known for gender equality, and in fact, women from the country have always been compelled to follow certain rules and strictures on how to behave. Foot binding, or the process of binding feet of girl-children so that they get deformed and resemble lotuses, is one of China’s anachronistic traditions. But the article is telling us that those days are drawing to an end and Chinese women are claiming their place and breaking new barriers. This recognition of women is one of the contributions of the Enlightenment period. To quote Carla Hesse, writing on women writers during the Enlightenment period, â€Å"the data on women writers suggests that the economic and commercial vision of the Enlightenment and Revolution opened up possibilities for female participation in an absolutely central arena of modern public life that was at odds with the dominant male conception of appropriate relations between the sexes.† How do we relate these Enlightenment values with the values of our times? In the modern days, the legitimacy of the struggle for women’s rights is largely accepted. Women are believed to be equal to men in most respects – they can work, vote, run for public office, and aspire towards their goals. Feminists all over the world have fought for these rights and have fought for the mainstreaming of gender values. Admittedly, there is still a lot that needs to be done and so much more than needs to be accomplished. In the developing world, women’s needs are still considered secondary to men, and in conflict and poverty situations, women tend to be at higher risk of hunger and malnutrition.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marginalization in Haiti, Peru, Russian Term Paper

Marginalization in Haiti, Peru, Russian - Term Paper Example The Russian Federation, Haiti, and Peru are classified as developing countries, which is mainly due to the unevenness of their respective people’s access to national resources. There are small numbers of extremely rich and powerful individuals enjoying the national wealth while a large group of the populations remain marginalized and kept aloof from the resources and political power.   Regardless, the former kind of marginalization is manifested in the three countries, especially among members of the middle-class segment of the populations. The population segment face marginalization in terms of access to higher education, comprehensive medical care, proper nutrition, and adequate housing due to poor paying jobs and lack of adequate training. However, some members of the group enjoy food stamps, fair-priced housing, universal elementary education, and access to emergency health care. However, these safety nets are inadequate and are usually overstretched by other pressures such as overpopulation. For instance, constant natural disasters such as floods have usually exposed substantial numbers of Haitian middle-class, for instance, to the problem of overstretched rescue teams and medical resources (Kidder Chapter 3). Certainly, these populations live in extremely trying situations and feel marginalized by the fewer more, affluent members of the society.  On the oth er hand, abject poverty which is the focus of the protagonist and his community is attributed to a lack of any safety net for vast populations. The group is represented by the lower-class populations of Russia, Haiti, and Peru who cannot access footwear, safe water for drinking, basic education and health care (Kidder Chapters 4 and 5). In addition, those who are in abject poverty are completely marginalized in terms of access to housing as evidenced in inadequate floor area, leaking roofs, improper furniture, and walls or other finishing.  Ã‚     

U.S. - China relations since 1970 to present Term Paper

U.S. - China relations since 1970 to present - Term Paper Example US-China relations since 1970 to present Both US and China differ on their ideologies and also do not possess similar economic and political views. They in fact come together for strategic necessity. The US side is filled with suspicion about China’s intentions and its strategies on economic, political & military fronts. The Chinese side on the other hand considers US as a threat to their communist ideology. US always pressurize China in the areas of human rights, economic and military sanctions. China though not always interested in ideological quarrel is forced to do so by the western ideology followed by the US. Therefore US-China relationship has developed on the parameters of mistrust and non-declarative thoughts along with military capacity building aimed against each other (Guo, 2010, p2). The US was basically a result of the convergence of the North American, European and African cultures. It mainly developed from small and struggling settlements to more thriving and populous colonies between 17th and 18th ce ntury facilitated by the exploitation of natural resources of North America. The commercial and cultural exchanges throughout Europe, Africa and the America led to the creation of the modern world (Winkler, Mires & Pestana, 2006, pp. 7-13). Initially during the period of Opium war in China the US was trying to disrupt and destabilize China’s communist government. The US considered China an aggressive power and threat to the non-communist countries. The US stationed military troops down the eastern and southern boundaries of China. During this period the US also engaged in the war in Vietnam. The US formed alliances with Japan, South Korea and the Nationalist government on Taiwan and encouraged them not to develop diplomatic relations with Beijing. The US also restricted American’s entry into China. The US was in fact tougher on China than other communist rivals. It pursed a â€Å"wedge† strategy which was aimed to encourage a separation between the two communist allies (Nathan & Ross, 1997). More than 90% of the Americans held unfavorable images about China; considered the nation as threat to US security. The American concepts of individual liberty, political pluralism and economic opportunity were alien to China. China was marked by Cultural Revolution trying to inculcate ideals of collectivism, asceticism among its people and facing continuous class struggle. China thought US to be beneficial on economic and political front. But Americans considered China an irrational power as their support for revolutionary movements proved to be dangerous to US (Harding, 1992, p.3). Therefore it was particularly a period of the formation of new ideas. US- China (1970-1989) Beginning from 1970 the relation between US and China was found to be versatile and multileveled. The two nations began to move closer to each other. The Americans on the one hand were trying to end their Vietnamese war while China was seeking support on account of its resistance to the pressure from Soviet Union (Nathan & Ross, 1997). Soviet Union was a direct threat to the security of China. Due to Soviet Union gaining an advantageous position in the global arena against the US compelled a reconciliation between the US and China. Both the countries started coordinating their strategic postures and united their military assets against Soviet expansion. Some Chinese leaders including Mao were interested in resuming cultural and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Group project outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Group project outline - Essay Example In addition to this, the market demand and needs of the customer towards this product segment is changing at a continuous rate. Now-a-days, people are trying to consume fuel efficient cars due to the hike in fuel prices. Recently, several automobile organizations are implementing green strategies in business. Moreover, several leading organizations, such as Ford and Toyota introduced electric car to reduce the consumption level of fossil fuel. Lack of use of fossil fuel can reduce the emission level of carbon. In addition to this, it reduces the operating cost of an organization. Therefore, the organization can use economic pricing strategy. Now-a-days, people are trying to consume fuel-efficient low priced cars due to their low disposable income. However, research on this product will help all the group members to learn about the market demand of this product. There are several types of cars, such as hatchback, Sedan, SUV and MUV. Research on each car segment will help the group mem bers to understand about the purchasing behaviour of people and strategies that are implemented by several automobile manufacturing organizations (Noel, 2009, p.117). The objective of research is to know the purchasing behaviour of people towards this product. Project Plan There are four members in this group. Each group member has different roles and responsibilities to complete the project. Primary and secondary data collection method has been utilized in order to gather appropriate data. Both these data collection methods have significant advantages. Primary data collection method will help this group to gather real time and valid data (Mooi and Sarstedt, 2011, p.39). On the other hand, secondary data collection method will help to gather a large number of data set (Malhotra, 2008, p.25). Both of these data collection method will help this group to achieve successful and expected research outcome. 2 members from the group have taken the responsibility to gather primary data. They are going to take interview of 10 people to gather valuable primary data and information. Total sample size has been considered for this research is 10. Out of the 10 individuals, 6 are common people who have cars and 4 are store managers of different car making and distributing organizations. 1 member will take the interview of 6 customers and other will take the interview of 4 managers. Another group member is responsible for gathering secondary data. Therefore, it is clear that 3 members of the group are engaged in the data collection process. The fourth group member will be responsible for analyzing the collected data and provide a research outcome based on his or her analysis. Key Challenges The key challenges that have been faced in the group activity for the project on studying the purchasing behaviour of the customers for various types of cars have been explained as follows. The challenges could be faced in the individual level as well as the group level while conducting th e tasks involved in the project plan. Since four different people were engaged in the separate tasks of data collection as per the primary and secondary research methods, the data analysis and the evaluation, difficulties could be faced due to the mismatch of the expectations of the people that have collected data and the people who have conducted the analysis and evaluation. The various parameters on which

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internet Sharing of Files, and HIPAA Regulations Research Paper

Internet Sharing of Files, and HIPAA Regulations - Research Paper Example Physicians  have a legal obligation to keep patient information, such as data contained in PACS confidential (Cao, Huang & Zhou, 2003). Legal issues and resolutions surrounding internet sharing of files, HIPAA, and PACS revolve around safeguarding data Privacy and Security. Healthcare institutions bear an obligation of taking appropriate measures to guarantee that patient information is availed to persons who have a professional need. Some of the issues essential to adhering to HIPAA requirements include restricting access, tracking access, protecting data security, confidentiality, and integrity and sustaining data chain-of-control (Lyer, Levin & Shea, 2006). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) standards for privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information avail a comprehensive federal protection for the confidentiality of health information. The Privacy Rule  pursues strong privacy protections that do not interfere with patient’s access to heal thcare. The Act gives patients more control over their health information, outlines boundaries on the application and release of healthcare records, and avails appropriate safeguards that health care providers must attain so as to safeguard the privacy of health information (McWay, 2010). The bedrock of HIPAA Privacy Rule is the protection, use, and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). Under HIPAA, patients have an enhanced awareness of their health information privacy rights. The Security Rule outlines means of protecting patient information  on computer networks, over the internet, disks and other storage media, and extranets. The safeguards pursue protection against dangers for breaches of confidentiality. The Security Rule mandates medical facilities to implement audit controls, so as to record and vet staff  accessing information systems containing PHI (Lyer, Levin & Shea, 2006).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wonderful Health Benefits Essay Example for Free

Wonderful Health Benefits Essay As the world becomes aware of all the wonderful health benefits of malunggay plant, the next question for many is how to use malunggay or moringa. Fortunately, malunggay is very versatile because one can enjoy all its benefits in a variety of ways. One of the best ways to ensure that one’s body gets to absorb all the goodness of malunggay is by drinking it as a tea. Malunggay tea is a very healthy drink because it is abundant with polyphenols or flavonoids, an effective antioxidant. If you cannot find moringa or malunggay tea in the market, you can buy or harvest (if you have your own moringa tree) fresh malunggay leaves and try making your own malunggay tea. The malunggay leaves to use should be so fresh with no signs of yellowing. How to Make Malunggay Tea You will need: Fresh malunggay leaves with no signs of yellowing (2-3 compound leaves) Clean Tray Clean sheet of manila or bond paper Basket with 2-3 cm. fine mesh Tea bags Air tight containers Procedure: Put the fresh malunggay leaves in a tray. Clean the leaves by dusting and sorting out any unnecessary particles.   Then lay out the leaves in a clean sheet of manila or bond paper. Put the malunggay leaves in an indoor drying shade and left it there for 2-3 days. Be careful not to sun-dry the leaves as it will destroy the vitamins and minerals in malunggay and affect the quality of the tea. The malunggay leaves will only be air-dried to wilt and remove excess moisture and it only needs a very light amount of oxidation. After the air drying, the next process is pan-drying. In this method, heat will be applied to the dried malunggay leaves by dry cooking it in hot pans. Minimal oxidation will happen during this process. To do this, heat the leaves in a pan with a very low fire to remove excess moisture and to sanitize it. The leaves should be constantly stirred and turned over for 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to overcook it. Put the roasted leaves in a transparent plastic bag. Seal or tighten the plastic bag and then crush the leaves until it turned to tiny powder particles. Pack the tea leaves in air-tight containers and store it in a cool, dark and dry place to maintain freshness. Proper packaging is a must because the shelf life of malunggay tea depends on it packaging. It also has the tendency to lose its flavor when exposed to air. To brew malunggay tea, you can put  ½ teaspoon of malunggay tea leaves and place it in a tea bag. You can buy tea bags in some Chinese drug stores. Then submerge the tea bag in boiling water for a few seconds. After that, put the tea bag in a cup and pour just enough hot water. Let it steep for 1- 3 minutes. One can add honey or sugar if desired. Enjoy your healthy moringa tea!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Issue Of The Kalabagh Dam Environmental Sciences Essay

The Issue Of The Kalabagh Dam Environmental Sciences Essay Pakistan has faced energy crisis problems from the start but they were very mild and were being dealt with very well. It was not until the 1990s that the problem of the energy crisis started to get serious due to the rise in the demand for it. Dams can be defined as fence which stops the water or upstream rivers. ( The main purpose of any dam is to keep hold of water. Dams can also be used to collect water or can be used in order to store water, in order to equally distribute between different areas. Hydropower is often used in union with dams, in order to generate electricity. Kalabagh is a small town in province Punjab located in Mianwali district. Kalabagh was the location which was proposed for building the Kalabagh dam, as this place is located on the western side of the river Indus. The main idea of Kalabagh dam was going on from decades but once again it was brought up by General Pervez Musharaf, but due to problems and conflicts raised between Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan; this issue has still not been worked upon. Out of all four provinces, Punjab is the only province which is favor of building the Kalabagh dam. And Punjab is the strongest of all four provinces, and has centralized government legislation. The other three provinces are completely against this decision and have passed undivided resolutions rejecting the project of building Kalabagh dam. This is because Baluchistan and Sindh would not benefit much from the Kalabagh project; instead they would suffer from even more water shortages. Baluchistan is not directly affected by the building of Kalabagh dam. However, the Sardarà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s of Baluchistan often says that the construction of Kalabagh dam is a way in which the province Punjab will rule over other small provinces. And because of these conflicts and disputes, the project is still not been finalized. The opposition groups, who are against the construction of Kalabagh dam, often say that this project will have very adverse impacts on the environment. Secondly, the construction site which is currently home for thousands and millions of people will become no more available for them. If we have to highlight the major cause of not building the dam, we can with no doubt blame the lack of trust between the Punjab government and the other three provinces. The other three provinces have this hatred for Punjab and this could be a result of over intervention of the Pakistan army, which comprises majority of Punjabis and Pathan, all over Pakistan, especially Sindh. Another reason for the hatred can be the ethno-nationalists that give rise to the anti-Punjabi sentiment amongst the public. If the Kalabagh dam project is constructed, then it would be able to have a live storage capacity of 6.1 million acre feet (MAF). This amount would make extensive contribution to boost the irrigation supplies. It will not only enhance the food irrigation for the new projects; but it will also increase the additional allotment decided by the provinces under the water apportionment accord (WAA) of 1991. Another major advantage of building kalabagh dam is that it will increase a huge amount of cheap hydropower to the national grid through its 2,400 mw (ultimate 3,600 mw) installed power. Building Kalabagh dam will also replace the storage previously lost by sedimentation in present reservoirs at Mangla, Chashma and Tarbela. The dam will provide further storage which can be helpful in achieving the present water shortages faced during early Kharif, i.e. the sowing period of April-June. It will also provide efficient directive of Indus River in order to meet the additional Kharif allocations of the provinces under Waa, 1991. Once the dam will be constructed, it will regulate and control the high flood rise in Indus; and will enable provision of tube well irrigations to the river rain area in the south. Lastly, talking about the advantages, while the construction process, 30,000 people will be employed during the construction and a large number of people will get jobs after the construction, as maintenance and operators. Thus, boosting Pakistanà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s GDP and moving Pakistan towards economic growth. If the dam is not constructed, than Pakistan will have to face even more severe crisis of high fuel prices. As the yearly energy generated at Kalabagh, if the dam is build would be equal to 20 million barrels of oil. If Pakistan imports this amount of fuel for thermal generation, than it would be additional burden on the economy. The federal government has taken some measures in order to overcome the load-shedding Pakistan is currently facing. And in order to do this, the government has signed agreement with international private sector of installing over 3,000 mw of thermal power over the next 4 years. This might help in overcoming the load-shedding. However, the power cost will increase drastically. As these private electricity companies are very expensive electricity producers. So, Kalabagh hydropower dam would be very cheap in comparison to keep the cost of electricity within affordability of the nation of Pakistan. Literature review The issue of Kalabagh is an immense issue which has resulted in conflicts and arguments between all the provinces of Pakistan. Some of the arguments against the building of the dam include negative environmental and social impacts. The Kalabagh dam has to face extensive examination and checking from the world dam commission. So, it is likely that these checks might slow down the construction of the Kalabagh dam. The oppositions to the dam often blame the low trustworthiness of government and its agencies, which includes both federal and provincial government for creating an information gap between the original debate of the Kalabagh dam and the discussions which are done by other parties on this issue. The parties in favor of the dam often argue that the construction of Kalabagh dam will help in meeting the urgent needs of cheap energy and cheap food supply for the speedily growing population. The government of Punjab is trying to construct a dam on a very large scale. This is done in order to generate 3,600 mw electric power, and store 6.1 MAF water. On the other hand, if this dam is constructed, it will have many adverse effects. The loss caused by constructing this dam will be loss of 182,000 acres of productive land. Other than this many people will be displaced from their homes. There is a whole set of reasons that goes against the building of the Kalabagh dam. The first reason is the absence of good governance. The project of Kalabagh dam has mostly faced a lack of governance. The people who are the decision makers of the whole project have to also deal with the society and their concerns. Due to the side effects that Kalabagh dam would have an alternative plan called the Tarbela action plan has been proposed. This plan is made through the sediment flow simulations made by the computers. The two purposes that these simulations have are, to see if flushing is feasible for estimating storage capacity in the long run and to analyze reservoirs and predict future sedimentation. On the results of the above simulation three components have been proposed which should be done in order to build the dam. These include reservoir operating strategy, underwater dike and flushing bypass. Reservoir operating strategy works in the way that first the reservoir should be reached at a minimum level and then gradually growing it each year by a small amount. This would ensure the tunnel security until the underwater dike is made. A rock file dike underwater should be made to prevent sediment to overwhelm. Then a bypass would have to be made at a low level with a high capacity in order to be able to flush the sediment. If the plan is implemented this way it would make the storage sustainable. The loss that would be occurred would be more or less what the Kalabagh dam would be designed to take. As is the Kalabagh dam have many issues. The crop yield increasing that has been projected is only in the case when water logging and salinity is put out of the consideration. Hydel energy is really expensive which adds to the environmental costs. Many ecosystems that live in the mangrove forests and are relying on the Indus River would be degraded. Many opposition parties often ignore all these valuable blessings of building Kalabagh dam and still oppose to the building of the dam. Some of the reasons for this opposition are that there is no evidence given to the opposing parties about the costs of hydro power as compared to other sources which provide energy. Other than this, there is a deficiency of organized assessment of the cost of Kalabagh water and the costs of substitute ways of increasing deliverance of water used in the irrigation system and at the same time dropping the wastage in the use of irrigation used water.( Kalabagh dam: an ecological disaster by Abrar Kazi) The adverse impacts of the Kalabagh dam which much opposition argue are, that, it is not yet clear that whether the water flowing from the Indus is enough for filling up the dam in next few years. Another argument is that, the water flowing below Kotri, if it is reduced, than it will affect the people who are very much dependant on this water flowing from underneath Kotri and then utilizes this water on agriculture and fisheries in the coastal Sindh. It will ruin the lives of many people living in the coastal Sindh. The situation becomes more alarming when WAPDA avoid this sort of statistics and rejects to undertake comprehensive and credible studies on this matter. The federal government in response says that, every year, 35maf water goes wasted into the sea, downstream of Kotri. However this wasted water can be used to bring a huge amount of new land used for cultivation and can be used to produce more food. In response to the siltation of land, the federal government says that more dams can help in replacing the lost storage of existing dams. As otherwise we are actually losing the existing storage due to siltation of previous reservoirs. The WAPDA figures in 1987 showed that there was a system loss of an average of 10 MAF in the post Mangla period. However, these figures were doubted, as once the Tarbela dam was built, it was seen that the river regime conditions worsened in 1977. The average yearly system losses in post Tarbela era (1976-94) increased to 14.7 maf as in opposition to 6.2 MAF in the post Mangla pre-Tarbela period (1967-76), showing an increase of 8.5 MAF. Another problem is that, in the Indus basin there is high levels of water logging and salinity, and if the irrigation supplied are to be increased it will just add more to the water logging and salinity to an alarming level in the Indus basin which could be very dangerous. Organizations which drain out the water, such as, national drainage program will take a long time period in reducing the water level from the basins to the sea, and even then, there is a huge probability that it will create a lot of problems and will take a lot of time, as there is no other alternative way of draining the runoff into the sea. The other issues are the financial issues related with the building of Kalabagh dam. There is a very tiny possibility of our government in getting financial aid from international organizations. Most probably the dam will only increases are countries debts. However, if private infrastructure funds are attracted to finance the Kalabagh dam at a high return rate, it is uncertain that the project will still stay fiscally and cost-effectively feasible. Meetings of the council of common interests will remain a poor substitute for responsible and responsive governance. There is an urgent need for the multi ethnic general public involvement on these vital issues of both ethical and officially authorized civil rights to once own life and livelihood that enclose claims to water. Simply in identifying this issue we can sincerely initiate effort towards forging a nationwide agreement on whether or not to construct Kalabagh, rather than by holding conferences amongst councils, who decide on these serious issues. The benefits of Kalabagh dam are considerable. Kalabagh dam will replace the loss of storage in the Tarbela and Mangla moreover it will increase the total quantity of stored water facilitating further and well-timed discharge for irrigation use in order to boost the food grain production. (Kalabagh: need for informed debate by Aly Ercelawn Omar Asghar Khan) Discussion Kalabagh dam is protect that would bring about many changes and many of those changes would be very hard, costly and destructive to cope. Kalabagh dam project is based on many assumptions that are either not true or are just one side of the story. I believe that Kalabagh dam does indeed have some significantly important points to support itself in the construction of it such as the electricity generation and increased food supply through growth in irrigation. However at the same time i believe that Kalabagh dam should not be built when looking at the adverse affects that it would have on the economy. Kalabagh dam is thought to be only useful or living for 22-30 years this means that the cost of making it would not be fully recovered and the replacement of the dam by a new project after its useful life would be again a major expense and hassle. Many other affects of the Kalabagh dam could not be left without putting a great deal of thought into it. The project would affect lots of peo ple and land. Through the Kalabagh dam lots of farmland would be lost and hence the food production would also go down. This would ultimately affect the GDP of Pakistan and cause a national decline. Many people who live in those areas where the dam has to be built would have to be re-homed to new places which is very expensive and could mean that the whole project could be useless in regards the cost. Not only would the government have to re home the people who would be left homeless but also many of the roadways such as the Attock-Talang roadway and railway service would have to be planned all over again. The Sui gas line in the north would also be affected and the re-construction of that would be very costly as well. Moving on, however much costly the problems mentioned above are they can still be tackled with nonetheless. Many of the issues are much more serious and would have an impact on our environment and society for much long-lasting or even indefinite time. One such issue w ould be the lost of the forest. The mangrove forests that would be effected would cost Pakistan the loss of massive wildlife and would cause many diseases through disruptions in the in the food chain. For a healthy atmosphere we need forests and the wildlife that its caters, if the forests are affected not only do humans suffer through the loss of food chains and loss of trees which are useful for production in many finished goods but also the changes in percentages of gasses in the atmosphere would be very harmful for the human life. Even if these issues could be catered for and the Kalabagh dam could maintain its costs through its benefits it would be a project that could be given a thought. However, the physical properties and uses of the dam have also failed to produce a truly glorious picture. Kalabagh dam has been projected to produce 43.5 MAF electricity according to WAPDA however, initially WAPDA itself announced a figure of 23.5 MAF on the basis of the past 60 years of reco rds, when they realized that this figure was too small they gave a new higher figure and claimed it to be on the basis of the last 22 years. This clearly shows that the figures provided by the government and WAPDA are not very reliable. In the case of the Tarbela dam governments had also produced wrong figures that proved to be wrong and disastrous for the provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan. Sindh and Baluchistan believe that they would have to suffer from water shortages and the Punjab would get the benefit. Kalabagh dam would also cause water logging by putting backpressure on the river Kabul. River Indus would also be polluted and the existing problem of water shortage would just be increased by the Kalabagh project. Studies have also showed that if worked to their full capacities, the existing dams are enough for the production of the electricity need of Pakistan. Kalabagh dam would only cause more frustration and decline in the growth of Pakistanà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s economy and would hamper the production of energy instead of increasing it. The dispute from the three provinces would lead to a national dispute and would mean a conflict at both the level of society as well as the parliament. All the benefits of the Kalabagh dam that the supporters of it have put forward have never been reliable enough and face criticisms and face valid problems. These problems in my opinion must be first overcome through other minor projects, which are safer, and if it is still necessary then the Kalabagh project should be given a thought. Other minor projects include ghazi Barotha and Bhasha dams. Conclusion To conclude i would like to say that Kalabagh dam does have many good points as stated in the literature review such as the eradication of energy crisis and the increase in the irrigation increasing the supply of food. However the costs and the affects of this project are quite massive and could result in increasing the problems instead of solving it. The adverse affects of the Kalabagh dam are very massive and must be given a very careful review before any decision is made. Kalabagh dam has many negative points to it and there are very little reliable solutions to those problems that have been given. In the light of the current situation the decision to not allow the construction of the Kalabagh dam is the correct decision and until any better proposal or solutions to the problems mentioned above are not found permitting the construction of Kalabagh dam would most likely turn out to be a disaster. To overcome the current energy crisis of Pakistan, there should be an attempt to stric tly supervise the production of energy that is present from the existing plants and these should produce at their best capacity. This might reflect that many of the studies that have shown that with the existing plants producing energy at their best in Pakistan the energy crisis could be solved altogether might be true. This strategy might eradicate the whole need for the Kalabagh or a new dam or a plant to produce energy at the first place. If the problem still persists and proves the analogy of existing plants being able to meet the energy demand of Pakistan wrong then other small projects should be tried first which would not have so much of the adverse affects related to them such as the Bhasha dam and the ghazi Barotha dam project. These small projects are thought to be much more effective as they have little impact on the society and still can produce higher energy, however these dams also have environmental and humanly costs related to them and therefore should be avoided as much as possible.

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia

Organisational Culture and Values at Nokia Organisation culture Nokia is the leading mobile company all over the world which started their operation in the early 1980s. The values of Nokia are customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Customer satisfaction means how satisfaction is the customer with the effort of organisation in the marketplace. Nokia has their dedicated sales and marketing personnels with logistic and sourcing functions. Keeping in mind that, what will best suit the customers and what are their needs, Nokia randomly responding to the customers and making things according to their customers choice. Respect for individuals means to give attention to each and every individual for their opinion. Nokia gives opportunities for personal growth. Nokia encourage new strategy to change the global market. They also emphasise on constant attention to the objectives. Continuous learning means Nokia always encourage improving the perfections. Nokia encourage developing mobile with affordable cost and also which can help increasing economic growth along with quality of life. Nokia support constant innovation on human technology to improve communication and finding the new ways of interchanging information. Nokia provides opportunity to grow personally, give confidence to come with new ideas and creation, motivates high quality people to serve the best customer service. Organisational and national culture National culture related to our values held in our deep such as good vs. evil, normal vs. abnormal, rational vs. irrational and safe v. dangerous. National culture learned very early stage of life and held deep insight every human being and changed very slowly over the period of time. On the other hand, organisational culture is brought from the practical experiences from the organisation and learned from the organisational job. To change organisational culture is difficult and it takes time. It is very difficult to coup up when two or three organisations merge or shift to each other then the employees of the organisation faces the difficulties to follow the culture. Sometimes it clashes to national culture. People in an organisation can adopt organisational culture over his national cultural values but when two or three organisation merge then it becomes difficult for the employees to adopt organisational culture over their deep values of national culture. Organisational culture sometimes become inappropriate to national culture and national culture sometimes get inappropriate to organisational culture. But organisational culture never trumps national culture. There are some basic differences between organisational culture and national culture. These are: leadership style, organisational policies and procedures, organisational and operational structure, recruitment and selection procedures and measuring the performance of the employees and reward systems, global team and leadership development. Corporate culture profile Corporate culture is one of the strategic and competitive advantages of Nokia. Connecting people is the catch phrase which means the physical facilities of the company. Nokia buildings hold the strong corporate image. Nokia has four main values and principles at his heart of its corporate philosophy: customer satisfaction, respect for individuals, achievement and continuous learning. Establishing Goals It was the challenge for Nokia to develop a unique, award-wining workplace which reflects the corporate culture, values and vision of the company. Nokia house Boston property has the major RD facilities and it was important to open the new floor plan and give the credit to the engineer and creative group for their creative design. However the design of the Scandinavian headquarters was not totally mimic but include New Englands culture as well. A Corporate Culture Retrofit Nokia not only holds the Scandinavian culture itself rather than transport it to the England for both the employees and visitors. There are high-tech and traditional furniture showcase along with brilliant lighting design particularly in the lobby area, cafeteria and meeting rooms helps creating a warm and professional atmosphere. Another important design characteristics is its new office space system and flexible desks. Connecting People After coming to new Nokia house in spring 2000, the company provides full friendly sense of place and purpose for the customers. The set up and cultural elements of the building gives the employees confidence and comfortable settings. Nokia provides more productive and interactive workforce after implementing the goals and culture to its actual design. After managing all the facilities the employees are more connected to the customers indirectly. As more companies want to redesign their head office to highlight their corporate culture such as the lobby, the real estate professionals must need to ensure that the changes will made in a healthy and profitable business relationship matter. The impact of corporate culture According to the researcher a healthy organisational culture may have various kinds of benefits which include: competitive advantage deduce from customer service and innovation, constant and efficient performance of the employees, great team facilities, high valued employee, and strong company association, employees with high motivation and loyalty, control and coordination within the company and also promoting consistency, rearranging the behaviour of the employees to the benefit of the company.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Knights Of The Round Table :: essays research papers

The Knights of the Round Table were noble in their actions. Sir Launcelot is a prime example of nobility of the Round Table. Throughout his life, Launcelot was unselfish, caring, and faithful to the knighthood. Launcelot was the greatest mounted warrior and was respected by all. The Knights of the Round Table were noble people.Sir Launcelot was a faithful knight. He was devoted to his work of adventure and helping the disturbed by his pledge to the knighthood. Many women throughout the kingdom craved Launcelot because of his courage. When asked, "Why is it you do not take to yourself a wife?" (p.561), Launcelot replied, "But married I will not be, for then I will have to attend my lady instead of entering tournaments and war, and riding in search of adventure." (p.561) Sir Launcelot has always had an interest in Queen Gwynevere, but he never fully persued her.Sir Launcelot proved he was not selfish in many ways throughout the story. After Launcelot defeated Sir Tarquine, he resisted the idea of looting his castle for all of Sir Tarquine's wealth. When Launcelot arrived at the castle of Tintagil, he killed the two giant guards and again he resisted in stealing their wealth. Each time, he gave the riches to the prisoners whom were captured in the castle. These occurrences show that Launcelot did not wish personal riches for himself, but wanted to complete his duties as a Knight of the Round Table by not being selfish.Sir Launcelot proved he was caring throughout the story in many ways. Launcelot defended a woman who was being attacked by Sir Percy. Launcelot killed the man responsible for this thievery saying, "For shame that a knight should so degrade his high calling." (p.561) Launcelot also showed his compassion with Sir Kay. Launcelot killed three knights who were about to attack Sir Kay. Launcelot said, "You're lives will be spared if you yield Sir Kay." (p.562) While Sir Kay slept that night, Launcelot switched his armor with Sir Kay's and rode off to fight Sir Kay's enemies to give Sir Kay a clear ride back in Launcelot's armor.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Women in The Bell Jar and Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

Exploitation of Women Exposed in The Bell Jar and Enormous Changes at the Last Minute      Ã‚  Ã‚   In their manifesto, the Redstockings argued that the relationship between men and women was a class relationship, and that the men repressed and controlled the women. The women were objects, and the men owned them. They said that, as a class, women "are exploited as sex objects, breeders, domestic servants, and cheap labor" by the male class(Bloom, Takin' it to the Streets, 486). Many of the women characters in The Bell Jar and Enormous Changes at the Last Minute give us examples of this repression and exploitation.    In both The Bell Jar and Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, we often see women as being subordinate to men. For example, in "Debts", one of Grace Paley's characters is happy because she has found "a husband to serve"(Paley, Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, 11). Her life has no meaning apart from her role as wife. She is defined by her husband. The idea that women are defined by their husband is so pervasive that we even find it in the language of the stories. In "The Burdened Man" there is a newspaper article describing the shooting of a wife and her lover by her husband. The husband and the lover are called by name, Sgt. Armand Kielly and Alfred Ciaro, respectively. The wife is only referred to as Mrs. Kielly. In The Bell Jar, when Buddy Willard proposes to Esther, he asks her "How would you like to be Mrs. Buddy Willard?"(Plath, The Bell Jar, 75). In both these instances, the language used defines the women in terms of their husband. This casual indication of dominance says a great deal about the culture.    The exploitation of women as sex objects is also easy to find. Both works contain extreme i... ...(Bloom, 486). As a class, men exploit them for personal use, both economically and sexually. They do everything they can to keep women in an inferior position. This repression is so pervasive that it is even found in the language of the women themselves. Correcting this problem is not a matter of changing individual relationships within the society. As the manifesto says, "the conflicts between individual men and women are political conflicts that can only be solved collectively"(486). In order for things to improve, there must be some change in society at a base level.    Works Cited Bloom, Alexander and Wini Breines, eds. Takin' it to the Streets. Oxford University Press, New York, 1995. Paley, Grace. Enormous Changes at the Last Minute. Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, New York, 1974. Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar. Harper and Row, New York, 1971.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Impact of Technology in Australians Lives Essay -- Technology

From invitro fertilisation to autopsy, people’s lives in Australia are potentially subject to scrutiny. The extent to which details of a particular individual’s existence are on show depends not just on the person’s own decisions but also on the decisions of related others, private firms and the state as well as inadvertent access by technology. This essay examines several points in people’s lives where they are most likely to encounter the public gaze, either now or into the future. Specifically, these junctures are the Census, The 100 point ID system and the lens of telepanoramic digital photography. Every five years, the Census provides a snapshot of Australian households. The data collected forms the basis of public planning. (How to complete your Census form 2006, p.2) On the night of August the 8th 2006, Australian households undertook the latest census. The form could be completed in either hard copy or online. Of particular interest was Question 60, Time capsule, which invited households to have a copy of their responses to the Census identified by their names in microfilm format for future reference. This information will be held in secure storage by the National Archives of Australia for 99 years when it will be made available to ‘genealogists †¦, historians, academics, social analysts, journalists, and fiction and non-fiction writers’. This option was first made available at the previous Census held in 2001 (How to complete your Census form 2006, p.17). This opportunity was welcomed by genealogists, who have long envied their British counterparts historic and full access to census data from 1841 onwards. Indeed, the 1901 census has recently been made available (Census Online 2006). In the Australian case however, t... complete your census form 2006 Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra. The metroguide: a guide to Adelaide’s public transport system n.d. Adelaide Metro, Adelaide. Murray, E 2006 ‘Jail for â€Å"greedy† con woman’, The Age, September 22. Viewed 19th of October 2006 Norris, M 2006 ‘I caught our most-wanted con woman’, Woman’s Day, October 2006, pp.34-35. Privacy on the Internet: Effect on genealogy n.d. Viewed 12 October 2006 Tadros, E & Petrie, A 2006 ‘Moment of truth in the many lives of Jodie’, The Sydney Morning Herald, July 7. Viewed 19th of October 2006 Whittaker, N 1998 Controlling your credit cards, Simon & Schuster, East Roseville.

Communicative Approach

MY BEST APROCHE IN ENGLISH LANGUAJE TEACHING : THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach 2. Two principles of communicative approach †¢ Create a realistic situation †¢ The class should be students-centered III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and speak, and achieve the goal of English teaching 1. Three stages in communicative teaching 2. Communicative activities in class . Achieve the goal of English teaching through communicative approach IV. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ _________ Abstract Language is a means of communication. Although it is not the only form of communication among human beings, it is certainly the most important. English teaching is to teach the students how to communicate with each other, to train the students good and complete language ability, to express their ideas correctly and to easily adjust themselves to every kind of social situation. English teaching is a case in point. This paper is to discuss some problems of present English teaching approach, to state the principles and advantages of communicative approach, and to give some advice on how to make the English class more communicative and improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems As present, English teaching reform has been carried out in schools, some teaching reform has been succeeded, but there are still some problems in English teaching. The students who have had several years of training in English with classical approaches are still unable to actually use the language. For example, the students can’t understand what the teachers have said and they can’t express themselves, their ability of listening and speaking is not up to standard, and also they can’t communicate with others in English. Now the teachers have been faced with the problem of improving the student’s ability of listening and speaking. II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach Communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language. 2. Two principles of communicative approach Among the numerous principles of communicative approach, there are two pieces of principles, which are more important English teaching. 2. 1 Create more realistic situation The current teaching methods don’t emphasize the real world situations and fail to cultivate student’s spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on their actual needs. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail when they are faced with the read to produce the language related to a specific situation. Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to take on different roles and to. Accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible. The most obvious advantage of these kind of techniques is that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners are rehearsed for real life. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realist situation. 2. 2 The class should be students-centered The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher to students. The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises. In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish put not what they themselves want to accomplish. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. The class should be learners-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on himself and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and peaking 1. Three stages of communicative teaching The teacher can divide the student’s learning into three stages: 1. – The first stage, the teacher is a sort of information: he selects material to be learnt and presents it so that the students can understand it and remember it as clearly as possible. The students may do little talking but they should by no means be passive. 2. – The second stage is the p ractice stage. Let the students do the talking organized from cue by the teacher: this practice should be meaningful and memorable. 3. The third stage makes the students to be allowed, under the guidance of the teacher, to use the language freely, even if they make some mistakes as a result. This requires a more flexible attitude from the teachers to mistakes, if the student is constantly stopped and corrected, then eventually he will become discouraged and cease to be motivated to speak. If the students can use the language for themselves, then they become aware that they have learnt something useful and are encouraged to go on learning: perhaps the most important factor is to keep up motivation in the learning process itself. We always talk about listening and speaking together. We must be aware of the fact that oral communication is a two-way process between speakers and listeners. In our class, both the teacher and students are speakers and listeners 2. The class communicative activities Communicative activity provides opportunities for positive personal relationships to develop among learners and teachers. Because of the limitation of the classroom, this requires the teacher to create more various social situations and relationships in the class. 1. Simulation: Learners are asked to imagine themselves in a situation which would occur outside the classroom, and they are asked to behave as if the situation really excited. 2. -Role-playing: is one method of getting the students to imagine they are someone else and play that part. 3. -Discussion: They must present their views in a more public context, there are sticker rules governing who speaks, when and to whom, and a higher level of formality is expecte d. The student’s ability of listening and speaking can be improved in discussions. 4. Interaction: There will also be increasing scope which gives learners greater responsibility for creating the interaction themselves. 5. -Pictures: Extremely useful visual aid. Pictures of people and places are much more interesting than ordinary objects. This is another chance for group work and genuine discussion. Other teaching aids are important techniques for creating a wider variety of social situations and relationships. Communicative activities are very important in language learning. It may be useful to consider briefly what the teacher might hope to achieve through the communicative activity in the classroom. Since this will determine his own attitude toward it and what he gives it in his overall methodology. The learners ultimate objective is to take part in communication with others. Their motivation to learn is more likely to be sustained if they can see how their classroom learning is related to this objective and helps them to achieve it with increasing success. . IV. Conclusion The traditional methods of teaching do not allow the learners to express their own ideas, activities and personality, which is though t to be important especially for students. For example, mechanical drills do not allow the students to express their own ideas, therefore, they will not be interested in listening, and their listening efficiency will be impaired. Under the present situation, communicative approach is a better way to improve our English teaching. For the teachers, the new method means more varieties to devise the lessons; for the students as well, the new method more opportunities to practice their listening and speaking, and to have the freedom to express themselves. Thus, the communicative approach makes the teaching more fulfilling. Just as some linguists have said: English language teaching should be made of communication by communication and for communication. English language teaching is an interdisciplinary subject for which human communication is an important source. The communicative approach is no doubt a manifestation of how this theory can be applied in the student’s English learning. It is a good teaching method to improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. Communicative Approach MY BEST APROCHE IN ENGLISH LANGUAJE TEACHING : THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROCHE I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach 2. Two principles of communicative approach †¢ Create a realistic situation †¢ The class should be students-centered III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and speak, and achieve the goal of English teaching 1. Three stages in communicative teaching 2. Communicative activities in class . Achieve the goal of English teaching through communicative approach IV. Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ _________ Abstract Language is a means of communication. Although it is not the only form of communication among human beings, it is certainly the most important. English teaching is to teach the students how to communicate with each other, to train the students good and complete language ability, to express their ideas correctly and to easily adjust themselves to every kind of social situation. English teaching is a case in point. This paper is to discuss some problems of present English teaching approach, to state the principles and advantages of communicative approach, and to give some advice on how to make the English class more communicative and improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking. I. Problems in the present English teaching and causes of these problems As present, English teaching reform has been carried out in schools, some teaching reform has been succeeded, but there are still some problems in English teaching. The students who have had several years of training in English with classical approaches are still unable to actually use the language. For example, the students can’t understand what the teachers have said and they can’t express themselves, their ability of listening and speaking is not up to standard, and also they can’t communicate with others in English. Now the teachers have been faced with the problem of improving the student’s ability of listening and speaking. II. Introduce the communicative approach 1. The definition of communicative approach Communicative approach refers to the theory of teaching according to the principle that the students and teachers should genuinely communicate with each other using the target language. 2. Two principles of communicative approach Among the numerous principles of communicative approach, there are two pieces of principles, which are more important English teaching. 2. 1 Create more realistic situation The current teaching methods don’t emphasize the real world situations and fail to cultivate student’s spontaneity. Artificial conventions and mechanical question-and-answer sequences fall short of the flexible, spontaneous kind of communicative interaction required for performing a task with the context of situation relevant to the real world. Such classroom teaching forces learners to talk about things that are not of their own choosing and not based on their actual needs. Taught in this way, the learners frequently fail when they are faced with the read to produce the language related to a specific situation. Simulation techniques seem to be a better alternative, as they seek to place learners in a situation where they are asked to take on different roles and to. Accomplish their specific tasks, including problem solving. They offer an opportunity for the learners to practice using the language in the right place at the right time and as appropriately as possible. The most obvious advantage of these kind of techniques is that it puts the learners in realistic situations. By simulating the physical circumstances of certain situations, the students can have the opportunity to use and to practice the sort of language, particularly the vocabulary related to that situation, so that learners are rehearsed for real life. In addition, they can express what they want to say whenever the situation calls for it. The teacher provides the best conditions for learning through creating the realist situation. 2. 2 The class should be students-centered The focus of classroom should be shifted from the teacher to students. The teacher does most the talking and always has the whole class under his strict control by lecturing, questioning, correcting students and often supplying correct answers to the exercises. In such a class, the teacher is obviously the most authoritative person. Students always act according to what the teacher wants them to accomplish put not what they themselves want to accomplish. So it appears that sometimes, even if the students have understood the text they are reading, they do not have the courage to speak out when called upon, for fear that they may not be right. The class should be learners-centered. Communicative approach makes learners to be themselves and requires the classroom instructor to play a secondary role, trying to keep focus on the students not on himself and encouraging students to communicate among themselves. The role and relationship between the teacher and students are fixed by the students-centered principle. It is to say that the students are the main part in communication, while the teacher helps the students to communicate. III. Adopt communicative approach to improve students ability to listen and peaking 1. Three stages of communicative teaching The teacher can divide the student’s learning into three stages: 1. – The first stage, the teacher is a sort of information: he selects material to be learnt and presents it so that the students can understand it and remember it as clearly as possible. The students may do little talking but they should by no means be passive. 2. – The second stage is the p ractice stage. Let the students do the talking organized from cue by the teacher: this practice should be meaningful and memorable. 3. The third stage makes the students to be allowed, under the guidance of the teacher, to use the language freely, even if they make some mistakes as a result. This requires a more flexible attitude from the teachers to mistakes, if the student is constantly stopped and corrected, then eventually he will become discouraged and cease to be motivated to speak. If the students can use the language for themselves, then they become aware that they have learnt something useful and are encouraged to go on learning: perhaps the most important factor is to keep up motivation in the learning process itself. We always talk about listening and speaking together. We must be aware of the fact that oral communication is a two-way process between speakers and listeners. In our class, both the teacher and students are speakers and listeners 2. The class communicative activities Communicative activity provides opportunities for positive personal relationships to develop among learners and teachers. Because of the limitation of the classroom, this requires the teacher to create more various social situations and relationships in the class. 1. Simulation: Learners are asked to imagine themselves in a situation which would occur outside the classroom, and they are asked to behave as if the situation really excited. 2. -Role-playing: is one method of getting the students to imagine they are someone else and play that part. 3. -Discussion: They must present their views in a more public context, there are sticker rules governing who speaks, when and to whom, and a higher level of formality is expecte d. The student’s ability of listening and speaking can be improved in discussions. 4. Interaction: There will also be increasing scope which gives learners greater responsibility for creating the interaction themselves. 5. -Pictures: Extremely useful visual aid. Pictures of people and places are much more interesting than ordinary objects. This is another chance for group work and genuine discussion. Other teaching aids are important techniques for creating a wider variety of social situations and relationships. Communicative activities are very important in language learning. It may be useful to consider briefly what the teacher might hope to achieve through the communicative activity in the classroom. Since this will determine his own attitude toward it and what he gives it in his overall methodology. The learners ultimate objective is to take part in communication with others. Their motivation to learn is more likely to be sustained if they can see how their classroom learning is related to this objective and helps them to achieve it with increasing success. . IV. Conclusion The traditional methods of teaching do not allow the learners to express their own ideas, activities and personality, which is though t to be important especially for students. For example, mechanical drills do not allow the students to express their own ideas, therefore, they will not be interested in listening, and their listening efficiency will be impaired. Under the present situation, communicative approach is a better way to improve our English teaching. For the teachers, the new method means more varieties to devise the lessons; for the students as well, the new method more opportunities to practice their listening and speaking, and to have the freedom to express themselves. Thus, the communicative approach makes the teaching more fulfilling. Just as some linguists have said: English language teaching should be made of communication by communication and for communication. English language teaching is an interdisciplinary subject for which human communication is an important source. The communicative approach is no doubt a manifestation of how this theory can be applied in the student’s English learning. It is a good teaching method to improve the student’s ability of listening and speaking.